Nurse Sues Mental Health Clinic After Training Course Teaches Bible is “Racist”
If you need any other reason to believe that Critical Race Theory is anti-Christian, look no further than the anti-Bible rhetoric within the movement. Critical Race Theory–a racist ideology that masquerades as “anti-racism” but actually does nothing other than exacerbate racial tensions–is a growing movement within institutions around the world–including the Church. However, many Christians […] The post Nurse Sues Mental Health Clinic After Training Course Teaches Bible is “Racist” appeared first on Reformation Charlotte.
If you need any other reason to believe that Critical Race Theory is anti-Christian, look no further than the anti-Bible rhetoric within the movement. Critical Race Theory–a racist ideology that masquerades as “anti-racism” but actually does nothing other than exacerbate racial tensions–is a growing movement within institutions around the world–including the Church. However, many Christians […]
The post Nurse Sues Mental Health Clinic After Training Course Teaches Bible is “Racist” appeared first on Reformation Charlotte.