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Popular Worship Band, Seventh Day Slumber, Goes Full Heresy...
Seventh Day Slumber is a highly popular worship band that is well known for songs...
Methodist Church Sings “Good, Good Mother” to God as a...
There is no end to the amount of blasphemy that comes from these counterfeit churches....
Southern Baptist Pastor Says Voting Democrat Should Be...
As I’ve written and pressed on this matter repeatedly, voting Democrat is a very...
Karen Swallow Prior Says She Was In Tears After Southern...
After Politico published a leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision...
Episcopal Priest Says Protestant Bible Is An Artifact of...
Sometimes, when you hear people speak, you have to wonder if stupidity was a consequence...
Jen Hatmaker Scolds Conservatives for Opposing Abortion
In the wake of the Supreme Court leak suggesting that the nation’s high court will...
The Gospel Coalition is Now Platforming Gun Control Advocates
One of the primary tenets of American conservatism is the right to bear arms. Historically,...
Russell Moore Assures Christians That Those Who Commit...
I understand that suicide is an extremely controversial topic, particularly within...
Elon Musk Says He’s Okay With Going to Hell Since Most...
Elon Musk, who is best known for the electric car company he founded, Tesla, has...
Christian Rapper Says He Was Addicted to Drugs While Producing...
We’ve always argued that the gospel music industrial complex is essentially a Christian-themed...
The Gospel Coalition Lesbian Calls on White Evangelicals...
A prominent LGBTQ activist that TGC relentlessly promotes is Rebecca McLaughlin....
Pope Francis Tells LGBTQ Catholics That They Are God’s...
Pope Francis recently responded to a letter written to him by a homosexual at Outreach...
Female Pastor to Lead Worship at Southern Baptist Convention...
Southern Baptist leftists have been attempting to skirt the biblical teaching on...
Conservative Podcaster, Allie Beth Stuckey Destroys Gay...
Brandan Robertson has been in the headlines quite a bit in the last year or so as...
Abortion Supporters Protest at Justices’ Homes, Firebomb...
Tensions mount in the United States after abortion supporters held protests outside...
9Marks Board Member Likes Multiple Pro-Abortion Tweets
9Marks, better known as 9Marx, is an Evangelical Marxist organization founded by...