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Canada’s Communist Dictator, Justin Trudeau, Bans All Handguns...
Canada’s Communist dictator, Justin Trudeau, just announced legislation that will...
Southern Baptists, If You Desire the Judgment of God be...
There is no doubt that the Southern Baptist Convention has been on a rapidly-increasing...
SBTS Grad and Revoice Leader Says Being Pro-Life Means...
Revoice is a conference that promotes “gay Christianity” and has actually advocated...
Best Places to Visit While Working in Charlotte
If you are new to Charlotte and are looking for a place to work, the Charlotte Metro...
Heresy of the Day #11: Inclusivism
One of the most popular heresies not only of the professing Church but also in our...
Drag Queen Takes Pulpit, Preaches Sermon on Noah in Genesis...
If it isn’t bad enough that a drag queen takes the pulpit, what’s worse is that...
TGC Author Says Children Keep Dying Because of Americans’...
Duke Kwon is a TGC author and is the lead pastor of the uber-woke Grace Meridian...
Watch as Pro-Abort Mother Tells Newborn Infant “I Could...
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty....
Resolution Against Abortifacient Birth Control, Including...
Abolitionist Nathan Weisser recently promised to introduce a new resolution at the...
Watch as Cops Stand Outside and Do Nothing, Prevent Parents...
Video has now surfaced showing that when cops arrived at the school in Uvalde, TX,...
Canon Press Takes Swipe at The Gospel Coalition Editor,...
Canon Press, the Christian homeschool curriculum publishing group also known as...
“Prophetess,” Kat Kerr Says Some Beings Are Co-Eternal,...
Kat Kerr, the pink-haired self-described “prophetess” has said some pretty bizarre...
Justin Peters Warns About Ligon Duncan at John MacArthur’s...
Recently, John MacArthur’s church held a discernment conference called the Truth...
TGC Editor Who Recommends Gay Sex TV Shows Trashes Gun...
A while back, Brett McCracken released his annual “best and favorite films” of the...
The Gospel Coalition Contributor Says Southern Baptist...
Justin Giboney, a co-founder of the social Marxist organization known as the AND...
Woke Pastors Accuse Christians of Using Exodus to Prove...
It’s one thing to be an idiot. It is a whole different story to be so blind to reality...